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Гудвин, волшебник (04.12.2014 10:07, просмотров: 770) ответил Гудвин на Наконец то дошли руки корректно скрестить проект "AT" с IDE "Xplorer". Качаем *.zip, рассовываем папки, как указано в readme.txt. В комплекте настроенный программатор (в папке проекта).
Вот makefile для свежих AT v2.0 и SDK v0.9.3 :  # Output directors to store intermediate compiled files # relative to the project directory export XTENSA_SYSTEM = C:\usr\xtensa\XtDevTools\install\builds\RC-2010.1-win32\lx106\config export XTENSA_CORE = lx106 export default_xttools_make_path = C:\usr\xtensa\mingw\bin\make BUILD_BASE = build FW_BASE = firmware # base directory of the ESP8266 SDK package, absolute SDK_BASE = c:/ESP8266_SDK_93 # name for the target project TARGET = esp8266_at # which modules (subdirectories) of the project to include in compiling MODULES = driver user EXTRA_INCDIR = # libraries used in this project, mainly provided by the SDK LIBS = c gcc hal phy net80211 lwip wpa upgrade main # compiler flags using during compilation of source files CFLAGS = -Os -g -O2 -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Werror -Wl,-EL -fno-inline-functions -nostdlib -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH # linker flags used to generate the main object file LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -Wl,--no-check-sections \ -u call_user_start \ -Wl,-static \ -Wl,--start-group \ -lupgrade\ -lc \ -lgcc \ -lhal \ -lphy \ -lpp \ -lnet80211 \ -llwip \ -lwpa \ -lmain \ -ljson \ $(DEP_LIBS_eagle.app.v6) \ -Wl,--end-group # linker script used for the above linkier step LD_SCRIPT = eagle.app.v6.ld # various paths from the SDK used in this project SDK_LIBDIR = lib SDK_LDDIR = ld SDK_INCDIR = include include/json # path to the esptool used to generate the final binaries # it assumed to have it somwhere in the main SDK directoy tree FW_TOOL = esptool # actual name of the esptool FW_TOOLDIR = esptool # we create two different files for uploading into the flash # these are the names and options to generate them FW_FILE_1 = 0x00000 FW_FILE_1_ARGS = -bo $@ -bs .text -bs .data -bs .rodata -bc -ec FW_FILE_2 = 0x40000 FW_FILE_2_ARGS = -es .irom0.text $@ -ec # select which tools to use as compiler, librarian and linker CC := xt-xcc AR := xt-ar LD := xt-xcc #### #### no user configurable options below here #### FW_TOOL := $(addprefix $(SDK_BASE)/,$(addprefix $(FW_TOOLDIR)/,$(FW_TOOL))) SRC_DIR := $(MODULES) BUILD_DIR := $(addprefix $(BUILD_BASE)/,$(MODULES)) SDK_LIBDIR := $(addprefix $(SDK_BASE)/,$(SDK_LIBDIR)) SDK_INCDIR := $(addprefix -I$(SDK_BASE)/,$(SDK_INCDIR)) SRC := $(foreach sdir,$(SRC_DIR),$(wildcard $(sdir)/*.c)) OBJ := $(patsubst %.c,$(BUILD_BASE)/%.o,$(SRC)) LIBS := $(addprefix -l,$(LIBS)) APP_AR := $(addprefix $(BUILD_BASE)/,$(TARGET)_app.a) TARGET_OUT := $(addprefix $(BUILD_BASE)/,$(TARGET).out) LD_SCRIPT := $(addprefix -T$(SDK_BASE)/$(SDK_LDDIR)/,$(LD_SCRIPT)) INCDIR := $(addprefix -I,$(SRC_DIR)) EXTRA_INCDIR := $(addprefix -I,$(EXTRA_INCDIR)) MODULE_INCDIR := $(addsuffix /include,$(INCDIR)) FW_FILE_1 := $(addprefix $(FW_BASE)/,$(FW_FILE_1).bin) FW_FILE_2 := $(addprefix $(FW_BASE)/,$(FW_FILE_2).bin) vpath %.c $(SRC_DIR) define compile-objects $1/%.o: %.c @echo "CC $$<" @$(CC) $(INCDIR) $(MODULE_INCDIR) $(EXTRA_INCDIR) $(SDK_INCDIR) $(CFLAGS) -c $$< -o $$@ endef .PHONY: all checkdirs clean all: checkdirs $(TARGET_OUT) $(FW_FILE_1) $(FW_FILE_2) $(FW_FILE_1): $(TARGET_OUT) @echo "FW $@" @$(FW_TOOL) -eo $(TARGET_OUT) $(FW_FILE_1_ARGS) $(FW_FILE_2): $(TARGET_OUT) @echo "FW $@" @$(FW_TOOL) -eo $(TARGET_OUT) $(FW_FILE_2_ARGS) $(TARGET_OUT): $(APP_AR) @echo "LD $@" @$(LD) -L$(SDK_LIBDIR) $(LD_SCRIPT) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,--start-group $(LIBS) $(APP_AR) -Wl,--end-group -o $@ $(APP_AR): $(OBJ) @echo "AR $@" @$(AR) cru $@ $^ checkdirs: $(BUILD_DIR) $(FW_BASE) $(BUILD_DIR): @mkdir -p $@ firmware: @mkdir -p $@ clean: @rm -f $(APP_AR) @rm -f $(TARGET_OUT) @rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) @rm -rf $(BUILD_BASE) @rm -f $(FW_FILE_1) @rm -f $(FW_FILE_2) @rm -rf $(FW_BASE) $(foreach bdir,$(BUILD_DIR),$(eval $(call compile-objects,$(bdir))))