lim (07.06.2006 19:46, просмотров: 1) ответил ig_z на Совершенно случайно обнаружил, что ИАР АРМ компилер поддерживает множественное наследование! Хотя по идее в стандарте ес++ этого нет, по крайней мере МСП компилер дает ошибку. Кто в курсе, АРМ компилер изначально был таким ?
Ответ: В документации всё же написано !!! ARM® IAR C/C++ Compiler Reference Guide
(в нём есть ещё и более подробно)
There are two high-level programming languages available for use with the ARM IAR
C/C++ Compiler:
● C, the most widely used high-level programming language used in the embedded
systems industry. Using the ARM IAR C/C++ Compiler, you can build
freestanding applications that follow the standard ISO 9899:1990. This standard is
commonly known as ANSI C.
● C++, a modern object-oriented programming language with a full-featured library
well suited for modular programming. IAR Systems supports two levels of the
C++ language:
● Embedded C++ (EC++), a proper subset of the C++ programming standard,
which is intended for embedded systems programming. It is defined by an
industry consortium, the Embedded C++ Technical committee. See the chapter
Using C++.
● Extended EC++, with additional features such as full template support,
namespace support, the new cast operators, as well as the Standard Template
Library (STL).
Each of the supported languages can be used in strict or relaxed mode, or relaxed with
IAR extensions enabled. The strict mode adheres to the standard, whereas the relaxed
mode allows some deviations from the standard.