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lim (08.06.2006 19:19, просмотров: 1) ответил Сергей Борщ на Ну и где здесь про множественное наследование?
Ответ: Я ж хотел, чтоб человек немного доку почитал Смотрите ниже про EXTENDED EMBEDDED C++. Я вообще удивлён, что народ не читает документацию. Как вообще тогда можно программировать. Embedded C++ is a subset of the C++ programming language which is intended for embedded systems programming. It was defined by an industry consortium, the Embedded C++ Technical Committee. Performance and portability are particularly important in embedded systems development, which was considered when defining the language. STANDARD EMBEDDED C++ The following C++ features are supported: ● Classes, which are user-defined types that incorporate both data structure and behavior; the essential feature of inheritance allows data structure and behavior to be shared among classes ● Polymorphism, which means that an operation can behave differently on different classes, is provided by virtual functions ● Overloading of operators and function names, which allows several operators or functions with the same name, provided that there is a sufficient difference in their argument lists ● Type-safe memory management using operators new and delete ● Inline functions, which are indicated as particularly suitable for inline expansion. C++ features which have been excluded are those that introduce overhead in execution time or code size that are beyond the control of the programmer. Also excluded are recent additions to the ISO/ANSI C++ standard. This is because they represent potential portability problems, due to the fact that few development tools support the standard. Embedded C++ thus offers a subset of C++ which is efficient and fully supported by existing development tools. Standard Embedded C++ lacks the following features of C++: ● Templates ● Multiple and virtual inheritance ● Exception handling ● Runtime type information ● New cast syntax (the operators dynamic_cast, static_cast, reinterpret_cast, and const_cast) ● Namespaces ● Mutable attribute. The exclusion of these language features makes the runtime library significantly more efficient. The Embedded C++ library furthermore differs from the full C++ library in that: ● The standard template library (STL) is excluded ● Streams, strings, and complex numbers are supported without the use of templates ● Library features which relate to exception handling and runtime type information (the headers except, stdexcept, and typeinfo) are excluded. Note: The library is not in the std namespace, because Embedded C++ does not support namespaces. EXTENDED EMBEDDED C++ IAR Extended EC++ is a slightly larger subset of C++ which adds the following features to the standard EC++: ● Full template support ● Multiple and virtual inheritance ● Namespace support ● Mutable attribute ● The cast operators static_cast, const_cast, and reinterpret_cast. All these added features conform to the C++ standard. To support Extended EC++, this product includes a version of the standard template library (STL), in other words, the C++ standard chapters utilities, containers, iterators, algorithms, and some numerics. This STL has been tailored for use with the Extended EC++ language, which means that there are no exceptions, no multiple inheritance, and no support for runtime type information (rtti). Moreover, the library is not in the std namespace. Note: A module compiled with Extended EC++ enabled is fully link-compatible with a module compiled without Extended EC++ enabled.