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si (01.02.2004 00:47, просмотров: 1) ответил SM на Ответ: (+)
Циклы через дерективу... WHILE and WEND The WHILE directive starts a sequence of instructions or irectives that are to be assembled repeatedly. The sequence is terminated with a WEND directive. Syntax: WHILE logical-expression code WEND where: logical-expression is an expression that can evaluate to either {TRUE} or {FALSE} Usage Use the WHILE directive, together with the WEND directive, to assemble a sequence of instructions a number of times. The number of repetitions can be zero. You can use IF...ENDIF conditions within WHILE...WEND loops. WHILE...WEND loops can be nested. Example count SETA 1 ; you are not restricted to WHILE count <= 4 ; such simple conditions count SETA count+1 ; In this case, ; code ; this code will be ; code ; repeated four times WEND