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MegaJohn (06.07.2006 10:22, просмотров: 1) ответил koyodza на а разве в 6208 он не задается соотв входами?
HALF и FULL ножкой задается а вот чтобы WAVE сделать дак кучу манипуляций надо сделать[+] WAVE DRIVE MODE (Full-step one-phase-on) A LOW level on the pin HALF/FULL input selects the Full Step mode. When the low level is applied when the state machine is at an EVEN numbered state the Wave Drive Mode is selected. Figure 18 shows the motor current waveform and the state diagram for the state machine of the Phase Sequence Generator. To enter the Wave Drive Mode the state machine must be in an EVEN numbered state. The most direct method to select the Wave Drive Mode is to first apply a RESET, then while keeping the HALF/FULL input high apply one pulse to the clock input then take the HALF/FULL input low. This sequence first forces the state machine to sate 1. The clock pulse, with the HALF/FULL input high advances the state machine from state 1 to either state 2 or 8 depending on the CW/CCW input. Starting from this point, after each clock pulse (rising edge) will advance the state machine following the sequence 2,4,6,8,… if CW/CCW is high (Clockwise movement) or 8,6,4,2,… if CW/ CCW is low (Counterclockwise movement).