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19 июля
Evgeny_CD (09.07.2006 18:06, просмотров: 1993)
Подборка книг по языку Ruby (интересен для embedded систем и не только) http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ - центральное место по языку *********************************************************************** === Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide, 2nd Edition === *********************************************************************** Основня книга по языку Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide, 2nd Edition by Dave Thomas PDF | 833 pages | ISBN: 0-9745140-5-5 | 2004 Качать: (4.3 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …5726292/proru.zip.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru Страница книги, там же есть код и errata http://pragmaticpr …titles/ruby/index.html Ruby is an increasingly popular, fully object-oriented dynamic programming language, hailed by many practitioners as the finest and most useful language available today. When Ruby first burst onto the scene in the Western world, the Pragmatic Programmers were there with the definitive reference manual, Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide. Now in its Second Edition, author Dave Thomas has expanded the famous Pickaxe book with over 200 pages of new content, covering all the new and improved language features of Ruby 1.8 and standard library modules. The Pickaxe contains four major sections: * An acclaimed tutorial on using Ruby. * The definitive reference to the language. * Complete documentation on all built-in classes, modules, and methods * Complete descriptions of all 98 standard libraries. If you enjoyed the First Edition, you'll appreciate the new and expanded content, including: enhanced coverage of installation, packaging, documenting Ruby source code, threading and synchronization, and enhancing Ruby's capabilities using C-language extensions. Programming for the world-wide web is easy in Ruby, with new chapters on XML/RPC, SOAP, distributed Ruby, templating systems and other web services. There's even a new chapter on unit testing. This is the definitive reference manual for Ruby, including a description of all the standard library modules, a complete reference to all built-in classes and modules (including more than 250 significant changes since the First Edition). Coverage of other features has grown tremendously, including details on how to harness the sophisticated capabilities of irb, so you can dynamically examine and experiment with your running code. Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …gramming_ruby_114.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ************************* === Best of Ruby Quiz === ************************* F:\e_b_i\avaxhome.ru\Best_of_Ruby_Quiz\ James Gray, "Best of Ruby Quiz" Pragmatic Bookshelf | ISBN 0976694077 | 2006 Year | PDF | 0,98 Mb | 176 Pages Качать: (1 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …530170/JEGray.rar.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru Solve these twenty-five popular programming puzzles, and sharpen your programming skills as you craft solutions. You'll find interesting and challenging programming puzzles including: 800 Numbers Crosswords Cryptograms Knight's Tour Paper, Rock, Scissors Tic-Tac-Toe Texas Hold-Em ...and more. Learning to program can be quite a challenge. Classes and books can get you so far, but at some point you have to sit down and start playing with some code. Only by reading and writing real code, with real problems, can you learn. The Ruby Quiz was built to fill exactly this need for Ruby programmers. Challenges, solutions, and discussions combine to make Ruby Quiz a powerful way to learn Ruby tricks. See how algorithms translate to Ruby code, get exposure to Ruby's libraries, and learn how other programmers use Ruby to solve problems quickly and efficiently. Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …best_of_ruby_quiz.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// **************************************** === Enterprise Integration with Ruby === **************************************** F:\e_b_i\avaxhome.ru\Enterprise_Integration_with_Ruby\ Maik Schmidt "Enterprise Integration with Ruby" Pragmatic Bookshelf | ISBN 0976694069 | April 1, 2006 | PDF | 330 Pages | 1,77 Mb Качать: (1.8 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …ion.with.Ruby.rar.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru Typical enterprises use dozens, hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of applications, components, services, and databases. Many of them are custom built in-house or by third parties, some are bought, others are based on open source projects, and the origin of a few--usually the most critical ones--is completely unknown. A lot of applications are very old, some are fairly new, and seemingly no two of them were written using the same tools. They run on heterogeneous operating systems and hardware, use databases and messaging systems from various vendors, and were written in different programming languages. See how to glue these disparate applications together using popular technologies such as: - LDAP, Oracle, and MySQL - XML Documents and DTDs - Sockets, HTTP, and REST - XML/RPC, SOAP, and others ...and more. If you're on the hook to integrate enterprise-class systems together, the tips and techniques in this book will help. Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …gration-with-ruby.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *************************************************** === Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby === *************************************************** Tom Gutschmidt, «Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby» Course Technology PTR | ISBN 1592000770 | 2003 Year | CHM | 2,44 Mb | 472 Pages Качать: (2.4 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …5366122/Ruby.rar_.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru Get ready to dive headfirst into the world of programming! "Game Programming with Python, Lua, and Ruby" offers an in-depth look at these three flexible languages as they relate to creating games. No matter what your skill level as a programmer, this book provides the guidance you need. Each language is covered in its own sectionyou'll begin with the basics of syntax and style and then move on to more advanced topics. Follow along with each language or jump right to a specific section! Similar features in Python, Lua, and Rubyincluding functions, string handling, data types, commenting, and arrays and stringsare examined. Learn how each language is used in popular game engines and projects, and jumpstart your programming expertise as you develop skills you'll use again and again! Features - The three scripting languages are all discussed separately, each with their own section. - A great tool for learning high-level languages - Suitable for beginners, game developers, or programmers - Comes with finished and tested open source game code and scripts Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …mming_with_python.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ************************************** === Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby === ************************************** Специфическая книжка... http://poignantguide.net/ruby/ Качать: (4 Мбайт) http://poignantgui …nant-guide-to-ruby.pdf Пароль: без пароля /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ########### Использование Ruby для WEB ######################################## ********************************** === Rolling With Ruby on Rails === ********************************** http://www.rubyonrails.org/ - сайт Rails Русский перевод (передведено не все) http://sabanin.ru/ …uby-on-rails-announce/ http://sabanin.ru/ …ls_rus_translation.pdf - 1 Мбайт Что такое Ruby on Rails 1.0? http://sabanin.ru/ …_is_ruby_on_rails.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ***************************** === Web Services on Rails === ***************************** Web Services on Rails | Kevin Marshall | 0596527969 | May 2006 | CHM | 0,35 MB Качать: (0.3 Мбайт) http://www.oxyshar …006.eBook-BBL.rar.html Пароль: без пароля This PDF will show you how your small business or enterprise can publish its APIs (application programming interface) to a developer community just like the behemoths of the Internet--Google, Yahoo!, eBay, and Amazon. We'll look at how Ruby on Rails makes building web service clients and servers simple and fun. Along the way, we'll give working examples and code details so you can see just how everything works. Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …eb_services_rails.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ***************************************** === Pragmatic Ajax : A Web 2.0 Primer === ***************************************** Justin Gehtland, Ben Galbraith and Dion Almaer, «Pragmatic Ajax : A Web 2.0 Primer» Pragmatic Bookshelf | ISBN 0976694085 | April 2006 | 200 Pages | 2,46 Mb Качать: (2.5 Мбайт) http://www.oxyshar …imer.Apr.2006.pdf.html Пароль: без пароля Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …sh/pragmatic_ajax.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// **************************************** === Agile Web Development with Rails === **************************************** PDF | 554 pages | ISBN: 0-9766940-0-X | 2005 Качать: (4.6 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …s/5722379/awd.zip.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru Rails is a full-stack, open-source web framework that enables you to create full-featured, sophisticated web-based applications, but with a twist... A full Rails application probably has less total code than the XML you'd need to configure the same application in other frameworks. With this book you'll learn how to use ActiveRecord to connect business objects and database tables. No more painful object-relational mapping. Just create your business objects and let Rails do the rest. You'll learn how to use the Action Pack framework to route incoming requests and render pages using easy-to-write templates and components. See how to exploit the Rails service frameworks to send emails, implement web services, and create dynamic, user-centric web-pages using built-in Javascript and Ajax support. There are extensive chapters on testing, deployment, and scaling. You'll see how easy it is to install Rails using your web server of choice (such as Apache or lighttpd) or using its own included web server. You'll be writing applications that work with your favorite database (MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, and more) in no time at all. You'll create a complete online store application in the extended tutorial section, so you'll see how a full Rails application is developed---iteratively and rapidly. Rails strives to honor the Pragmatic Programmer's "DRY Principle" by avoiding the extra work of configuration files and code annotations. You can develop in real-time: make a change, and watch it work immediately. Forget XML. Everything in Rails, from templates to control flow to business logic, is written in Ruby, the language of choice for programmers who like to get the job done well (and leave work on time for a change). Rails is the framework of choice for the new generation of Web 2.0 developers. Agile Web Development with Rails is the book for that generation, written by Dave Thomas (Pragmatic Programmer and author of Programming Ruby) and David Heinemeier Hansson, who created Rails. Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …s/web_development.html ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////