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Evgeny_CD (09.07.2006 18:18, просмотров: 1) ответил Evgeny_CD на Хорошая подборка книг по embedded тематике. Первая часть.
Вторая часть. ********************************************* === Embedded Systems: Desktop Integration === ********************************************* Oliver H. Bailey, «Embedded Systems: Desktop Integration» Wordware Publishing | ISBN 1556229941 | 2005 Year | PDF | 5,12 Mb | 472 Pages Embedded Systems: Desktop Integration explores designing embedded systems and monitoring and controlling them from desktop systems. Through the step-by-step development of an embedded thermostat, readers learn how to implement three different hardware interfaces: RS-232, USB, and Ethernet. Several different components are used to provide the reader with alternative hardware solutions. Additionally, three different types of microcontrollers are used to implement the intelligence in the thermostat: the BASIC Stamp, the dsPIC, and the Cypress PSoC. Monitor and control software is developed for Windows, Linux, and the BSD operating Systems. Several cross-platform tools are explored including wxWindows, Borland Delphi and Kylix, and C++BuilderX, and there is even a section on how to make your own printed circuit boards. Качать: (5Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …5342/OHBailey.rar.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …mbedded_systems_2.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *********************************************************** === Requirements Engineering for Sociotechnical Systems === *********************************************************** Jose Luis Mate (Editor), Andres Silva (Editor), «Requirements Engineering for Sociotechnical Systems» Information Science Publishing | ISBN 1591405068 | 2005 Year | PDF | 5 Mb | 373 Pages Качать: (5Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …253354/JLMate.rar.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru "The Information Society" that we live in today is largely driven by the products and services that either contain software as a core element, or are themselves software. At the very least, it is likely that most of those same products and services were manufactured with the help of some type of sophisticated software applications. Because of that, as well as the stresses of navigating through a truly global economy, the skills of software developers and engineers are being pushed to the limit. As a result of those growing complexities, it has become imperative that software engineers and developers understand the methods, tools and techniques for identifying, documenting and validating the requirements of complex systems. In turn, more emphasis is now being placed on Requirements Engineering and the role it plays in today’s Information Society. Because of that, Requirements Engineering has now transcended its traditional role within software development and become an integral part of product and systems engineering. Requirements Engineering for Socio-Technical Systems provides a comprehensive view of many of the system requirements for some of the hottest areas in development today. In addition, readers with understanding of human factors and social issues embedded within the development of socio-technical systems. Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …technical_systems.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ******************************************************************************* ========== Ambient Intelligence: Impact on Embedded System Design ============= ******************************************************************************* Twan Basten (Editor), Marc Geilen (Editor), Harmke de Groot (Editor), «Ambient Intelligence: Impact on Embedded System Design» Springer | ISBN 1402076681 | 2003 Year | PDF | 9,62 Mb | 360 Pages Качать: (9.6 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …66188/TBasten.rar.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru The emerging Ambient Intelligence vision has the potential to fundamentally change our world. This volume is a preview into the next era of computing. It investigates the impact of Ambient Intelligence on embedded system design. Combining visionary contributions with papers on recent developments, it brings to light the challenges in system design towards fulfilling the Ambient Intelligence promise. Topics covered range from processor architectures and embedded software to cognitive robotics and sensor networks, and from quality-of-service and energy-efficient design to security and fault tolerance. Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …ient_intelligence.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ************************************* === C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 === ************************************* Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield, «C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3» Prentice Hall PTR | ISBN 0131240722 | 2004 Year | CHM | 3,05 Mb | 464 Pages Качать: (3 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …0/JBlanchette.rar.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru "...not only the best book on Qt I have ever seen, but also the best book presenting any programming framework. Every sentence appears to be carefully worded, and every chapter has a sound concept, and so does the work as a whole." -Matthias Ettrich, Trolltech's lead developer, founder of the KDE project "The 'Tao of Qt'.... The Qt system is a beautiful example of object oriented design, and the authors take advantage of this.... The authors have done an excellent job of presenting the subject in an interesting and engaging way...." -Ron McCarty, Instructor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College The first official Trolltech guide to Qt 3.2 programming! Straight from Trolltech, this book covers all you need to build industrial-strength applications with Qt 3.2.x and C++-applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux with no source code changes! The book teaches solid Qt programming practices; it is not a rehash of the documentation. You'll find start-to-finish coverage packed with examples, plus a CD with the Qt 3.2 toolset and Borland C++ compilers-including a non-commercial Qt 3.2 for Windows available nowhere else! Build powerful C++ GUI applications quickly and easily Design dialogs and main windows visually and in code Learn Qt's innovative typesafe signals and slots mechanism Use layouts to create forms that automatically size and scale Create custom signals, slots, events, and controls Program the ''Qt way'' with techniques for Qt 3.2 that'll work with Qt 4 Code applications with menus, toolbars, dialogs, and drag and drop Utilize 2D and 3D graphics, multithreading, and networking Write database and XML applications Internationalize to reach foreign markets Exploit platform-specific-features like ActiveX Already using Qt or just starting out? Evaluating Qt or managing it? Building open source applications-or commercial applications? Want to develop for Windows without buying an expensive compiler? Whatever your goal, this is the only book you need! CD-ROM: Everything you need to write great GUI programs! Qt 3.2 Non-Commercial Edition for Windows Borland C++ 5.5 Non-Commercial Edition Borland C++ 6.0 Trial Edition Qt 3.2 Free Editions for Unix/Linux/Mac OS X SQLite database The book's code examples Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …ogramming_with_qt.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ******************************************************************************* === Real Time UML : Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems» (3rd edition) == ******************************************************************************* Bruce Powel Douglass, «Real Time UML : Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems» (3rd edition) Addison-Wesley Professional | ISBN 0321160762 | 2004 Year | CHM | 9,92 Mb | 752 Pages Качать: (10 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …24/BPDouglass.rar.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru "I found Real Time UML, Third Edition, to provide an informative and practical application of UML 2.0 to the development of real-time systems, and well worth the read by systems and software engineers. It is written in plain English and provides the right balance of depth and breadth." -Sanford Friedenthal, Deputy, Corporate Systems Engineering, Lockheed Martin CorporationChair, OMG Systems Engineering Domain Special Interest Group The increasing complexity of embedded and real-time systems requires a more premeditated and sophisticated design approach for successful implementation. The object-based Unified Modeling Language (UML) can describe the structural and behavioral aspects critical to real-time systems and has come to the fore as an outstanding medium for effective design. Like its best-selling predecessors, Real Time UML, Third Edition, provides an overview of the essentials of real-time systems and an introduction to UML that focuses on the use of the ever-evolving standard in design and development. This accessible book examines requirements analysis, the definition of object structure and behavior, architectural and mechanistic design, and more detailed designs that encompass data structure, operations, and exceptions. Numerous figures help illustrate UML design techniques, and detailed, real-world examples show the application of those techniques to embedded systems. This significantly revised edition features the new UML 2.0 standard, which dramatically improves the clarity of the UML for capturing architectures and improving its scalability. Real Time UML, Third Edition, also introduces the UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, and Time (STP Profile). The STP Profile provides a standardized way to capture schedulability and performance constraints of systems. This allows analysis tools to read and analyze UML models. Key topic coverage includes: - The Rapid Object-Oriented Process for Embedded Systems (ROPES) - Concurrency and resource modeling with the Real-Time (SPT) UML Profile - Tapping action semantics for greater executability - Scenario modeling with timing diagrams - Key strategies for object identification - Defining object state behavior - Representing and identifying threads - Mechanistic design patterns Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …oks/real_time_uml.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ****************************************************************** === Embedded Systems Programming Magazine 1988-1996 Collection === ****************************************************************** Качать: ( Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …88-1996.part1.rar.html http://rapidshare. …88-1996.part2.rar.html http://rapidshare. …88-1996.part3.rar.html http://rapidshare. …88-1996.part4.rar.html http://rapidshare. …88-1996.part5.rar.html Пароль: без пароля Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …embedded_magazine.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ************************************************************************* === Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface === ************************************************************************* Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface Paperback: 656 pages Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann; 3 edition (August 2, 2004) Language: English ISBN: 1558606041 Качать: (2.5 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …are_Interface.rar.html Пароль: без пароля About the book : In addition to thoroughly updating every aspect of the text to reflect the most current computing technology, the third edition *Uses standard 32-bit MIPS 32 as the primary teaching ISA. *Presents the assembler-to-HLL translations in both C and Java. *Highlights the latest developments in architecture in Real Stuff sections: + Intel IA-32 + Power PC 604 + Googles PC cluster + Pentium P4 + SPEC CPU2000 benchmark suite for processors + SPEC Web99 benchmark for web servers + EEMBC benchmark for embedded systems + AMD Opteron memory hierarchy + AMD vs. 1A-64 New support for distinct course goals Many of the adopters who have used our book throughout its two editions are refining their courses with a greater hardware or software focus. We have provided new material to support these course goals: New material to support a Hardware Focus +Using logic design conventions +Designing with hardware description languages +Advanced pipelining +Designing with FPGAs +HDL simulators and tutorials +Xilinx CAD tools New material to support a Software Focus +How compilers Work +How to optimize compilers +How to implement object oriented languages +MIPS simulator and tutorial +History sections on programming languages, compilers, operating systems and databases Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …erface_1558606041.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ******************************** === MATLAB e-Book Collection === ******************************** MATLAB e-Book Collection Ebook list A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users Basics Of MATLAB And Beyond found Classical Feedback Control with MATLAB Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB Digital Image Processing Using Matlab Embedded Control Systems An Intro for Software Developers Using MATLAB Graphics And Guis With MATLAB 3ed Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB Качать: http://rapidshare. …_e-book.part1.rar.html 47.68 MB http://rapidshare. …_e-book.part2.rar.html 47.68 MB http://rapidshare. …_e-book.part3.rar.html 8.04 MB Пароль: без пароля Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …ish/matlab_ebooks.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *************************************************** === Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems === *************************************************** Marc Joye (Editor), Jean-Jaques Quisquater (Editor), "Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2004: 6th International Workshop Cambridge, MA, USA, August 11-13, 2004, Proceedings" Springer | ISBN 3540226664 | 2005 Year | PDF | 14,84 Mb | 455 Pages Качать: (15 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …1121567/MJoye.rar.html Пароль: www.AvaxHome.ru Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …ographic_hardware.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *********************************************** === Tracking And Kalman Filtering Made Easy === *********************************************** Качать: (4 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …iltering_Made_Easy.pdf Пароль: без пароля Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …/kalman_filtering.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************************* === Kalman Filtering Theory and Practice Using MATLAB === ********************************************************* Качать: (3 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …_MATLAB__2nd_.rar.html Пароль: без пароля Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …/kalman_filtering.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ********************************************************************** === Global Positioning Systems Inertial Navigation and Integration === ********************************************************************** Качать: (4.5 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …on_and_Integration.pdf Пароль: без пароля Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …/kalman_filtering.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// **************************************** === Kalman Filtering Neural Networks === **************************************** Качать: (4 Мбайт) http://rapidshare. …___Neural_Networks.pdf Пароль: без пароля Источник информации: http://www.avaxhom …/kalman_filtering.html ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////