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De_User (06.11.2015 05:37 - 05:46, просмотров: 137) ответил Лагунов на На данной плате у меня стабилизатор +5 на LM1086. На входе у него +8. Визуально осциллом никаких претензий.
Стабилизатор на LM1086 чувствителен к ESR выходного конденсатора. Есть у меня знакомая "фирмА" которая гордо пишет в условиях эксплуатации "от -40°С до 85°С" а сама закупает только Y5V конденсаторы, не предназначенные для температур ниже -25°С  Основная причина - потеря >40% ёмкости при температуре ниже -25°С Stability consideration primarily concern the phase response of the feedback loop. In order for stable operation, the loop must maintain negative feedback. The LM1086 requires a certain amount series resistance with capacitive loads. This series resistance introduces a zero within the loop to increase phase margin and thus increase stability. The equivalent series resistance (ESR) of solid tantalum or aluminum electrolytic capacitors is used to provide the appropriate zero (approximately 500 kHz). The Aluminum electrolytic are less expensive than tantalums, but their ESR varies exponentially at cold temperatures; therefore requiring close examination when choosing the desired transient response over temperature. Tantalums are a convenient choice because their ESR varies less than 2:1 over temperature. The recommended load/decoupling capacitance is a 10uF tantalum or a 50uF aluminum. These values will assure stability for the majority of applications. The adjustable versions allows an additional capacitor to be used at the ADJ pin to increase ripple rejection. If this is done the output capacitor should be increased to 22uF for tantalums or to 150uF for aluminum. Capacitors other than tantalum or aluminum can be used at the adjust pin and the input pin. A 10uF capacitor is a reasonable value at the input. See Ripple Rejection section regarding the value for the adjust pin capacitor. It is desirable to have large output capacitance for applications that entail large changes in load current (microprocessors for example). The higher the capacitance, the larger the available charge per demand. It is also desirable to provide low ESR to reduce the change in output voltage: ΔV = ΔI x ESR It is common practice to use several tantalum and ceramic capacitors in parallel to reduce this change in the output voltage by reducing the overall ESR. Output capacitance can be increased indefinitely to improve transient response and stability.
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