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Yft (08.04.2016 14:25 - 14:29, просмотров: 121) ответил Крок на Нет. Это РСАД-4.5 генерит, потому что не умеет печатать через USB
Если из-под доса, то раньше мы делали так: На СОСЕДНИЙ комп в сети ставили принтер и мапили его на LPT1 компа с Оркадом. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. How can I create a local print queue so that I can configure network print queue default settings? A. If you connect directly to a network print queue, you can't set defaults for items such as duplex printing. To work around this limitation, you can create a local device that points to the network printer, then create a local print queue by performing the following steps: 1. From a command prompt, type net use LPT1: \\<printer server>\<printer> /persistent:yes to map the local LPT device to the network printer. 2. Add a local printer in the usual way (go to Start, Settings, Printers, and click Add Printer). 3. Specify a local device (LPT1) and configure the new printer. ------------------ Q. How can I let nonadministrative users redirect LPT1? A. Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 don't let nonadministrative users redirect the LPT1 port (i.e., net use lpt1 \\server\printer /yes). To work around this restriction (e.g., for legacy applications that require users to print to a redirected LPT1 port), you can disable LPT1 in Device Manager so that users can redirect LPT1. Perform the following steps: 1. Start Device Manager (go to Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Computer Management, and select Device Manager). 2. Expand Ports (COM & LPT). 3. Right-click Printer Port (LPT1), then select Properties. 4. Under "Device usage," select "Do not use this device (disable)." 5. Click OK. Disabling LPT1 in Device Manager makes it a logical port (like LPT2 and LPT3) instead of a physical port.