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24 ноября
Evgeny_CD (27.08.2006 19:45, просмотров: 3094)
GNU тулчейн для ARM: все скучковалось, включая USB JTAG! Open On-Chip Debugger http://openocd.berlios.de/web/ Что интересно, Revision 81 fixed several minor problems, and added support for ARM966E based devices like the new STR9 series from ST Microelectronics. Supported JTAG interfaces - то, что он поддерживает http://openocd.ber …ios.de/web/?page_id=40 Olimex - ARM-USB-OCD - много интересного на страничке http://www.olimex. …m/dev/arm-usb-ocd.html http://www.olimex. …ev/pdf/ARM-USB-OCD.pdf YAGARTO http://www.yagarto …to/yagarto1/index.html WinARM http://www.siwawi. …s/arm_projects/#winarm WinARM is a collection of GNU and other tools to develop software for the ARM-family of controllers/processors on MS-Windows-hosts. Unlike other collections WinARM does not depend on a cygwin or mingw-environment. All needed tools are in the distribution-package. WinARM has been tested with Philips LPC2106, Philips LPC2129, Philips LPC2138, Philips LPC2148 and Atmel AT91SAM7S64, AT91SAM7S256, AT91RM9200 ARM7TDMI(-S) controllers (the list is based on own tests and user feedback). The gnu-toolchain and the supplied tools should work with all microcontrollers based on ARM(-TDMI/Thumb etc.) architecture. WinARM has been made in the spirit of WinAVR which is a collection for Atmel AVR 8bit-Controllers. Мануал в стиле Olimex "ARM Cross Development with Eclipse", ориентированный на AT91SAM7S http://www.at91.co …rty/j_lynch/jlynch.pdf Полная подборка софта из этого манула http://www.at91.co …7S/at91sam7s.html#free ftp://jlynch:free@ Еще одна JTAG софтина для AT91SAM7S. Недавно обзавелась командным интерфейсом. http://kjell.e.andersen.googlepages.com/