наверно можно, для авто-настройки нужно шаманить с R144/R146/R24/R25 https://wiki.openwrt.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?tok=da72b9&media=https%3A%2F%2Flh6.googleusercontent.com%2F-u9LykZJG0RE%2FUhYZqQOhoRI%2FAAAAAAAAAIw%2Fd8L27uuuVC8%2Fw426-h630%2Fhlk-rm04-mem-config.jpg
By default, memory configuration of hlk-rm04 select 32M/32M*2, but it uses 16M SDRAM, so if you don't want to modify hardware, you must manually specify the memory size for openwrt. If you want openwrt to check the SDRAM size automatically, then you need to solder out R144 and solder back it to R146 and make R24 to R25. R144 and R146 are on the front side, R24 and R25 are on the back side