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18 июля
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my504 (24.07.2016 11:20 - 11:24, просмотров: 286) ответил MBedder на Вот 1.25 искаропки (1.26 могу проверить вечером дома, на даче только этот) - все поля начинаются с имени регистра:
Коробку мне прислать забыли, а вот версию 1.26 передали такой: 
;----- FSEC (0xabf00) --------------------------------------------------
;  The following settings are available for FSEC:
;   Boot Segment Write-Protect bit:
;     BWRP_ON              Boot Segment is write protected
;     BWRP_OFF             Boot Segment may be written
;   Boot Segment Code-Protect Level bits:
;     HI                   High Security
;     STD                  Standard Security
;     OFF                  No Protection (other than BWRP)
;   Boot Segment Control bit:
;     BSEN_ON              Boot Segment size determined by FBSLIM
;     BSEN_OFF             No Boot Segment
;   General Segment Write-Protect bit:
;     GWRP_ON              General Segment is write protected
;     GWRP_OFF             General Segment may be written
;   General Segment Code-Protect Level bits:
;     HI                   High Security
;     STD                  Standard Security
;     OFF                  No Protection (other than GWRP)
;   Configuration Segment Write-Protect bit:
;     CWRP_ON              Configuration Segment is write protected
;     CWRP_OFF             Configuration Segment may be written
;   Configuration Segment Code-Protect Level bits:
;     HI                   High Security
;     ENH                  Enhanced Security
;     STD                  Standard Security
;     DIS                  No Protection (other than CWRP)
;   Alternate Interrupt Vector Table bit:
;     ENABLE               Enabled AIVT
;     DISABLE              Disabled AIVT
        .equiv BWRP_ON,         0xFFFE ; Boot Segment is write protected
        .equiv BWRP_OFF,        0xFFFF ; Boot Segment may be written

        .equiv HI,              0xFFF9 ; High Security
        .equiv STD,             0xFFFD ; Standard Security
        .equiv OFF,             0xFFFF ; No Protection (other than BWRP)
        .equiv BSEN_ON,         0xFFF7 ; Boot Segment size determined by FBSLIM
        .equiv BSEN_OFF,        0xFFFF ; No Boot Segment

        .equiv GWRP_ON,         0xFFDF ; General Segment is write protected
        .equiv GWRP_OFF,        0xFFFF ; General Segment may be written

        .equiv HI,              0xFF3F ; High Security
        .equiv STD,             0xFFBF ; Standard Security
        .equiv OFF,             0xFFFF ; No Protection (other than GWRP)

        .equiv CWRP_ON,         0xFEFF ; Configuration Segment is write protected
        .equiv CWRP_OFF,        0xFFFF ; Configuration Segment may be written

        .equiv HI,              0xF1FF ; High Security
        .equiv ENH,             0xF9FF ; Enhanced Security
        .equiv STD,             0xFDFF ; Standard Security
        .equiv DIS,             0xFFFF ; No Protection (other than CWRP)

        .equiv ENABLE,          0x7FFF ; Enabled AIVT
        .equiv DISABLE,         0xFFFF ; Disabled AIVT

ЗЫ. Кстати, ошибки копипастили во все контроллеры семейства (у GA тоже самое)