Точка опоры (05.12.2016 15:47, просмотров: 94) ответил basilmak на ну насколько сложно подавить это вопрос - сунуть помеху тракт и захлебнется
Оставлю эту "на водку" здесь: ISSCC 2012 / SESSION 4 / RF TECHNIQUES / 4.1
A Blocker-Tolerant Wideband Noise-Cancelling Receiver with a 2dB Noise Figure
David Murphy[1,2], Amr Hafez[1,2], Ahmad Mirzaei[2], Mohyee Mikhemar[2], Hooman Darabi[2], Mau-Chung Frank Chang[1], Asad Abidi[1]
[1] University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
[2] Broadcom, Irvine, CA
As narrowband off-chip RF filtering is not compatible with the concept of software-defined radio (SDR), an SDR receiver must be designed to tolerate large out-of-band blockers with minimal gain compression and noise figure degradation. ..... In this work, we propose a hybrid frequencytranslational, noise-cancelling(FTNC) receiver that employs two separate downconversion paths to enable noise cancelling with no voltage gain prior to baseband filtering. The resulting design has a sub-2dB noise figure and tolerates 0dBm blockers with no gain back-off, breaking the traditional noise-linearity trade-off common in all receivers.
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