может МК инициализируется дольше 120мс... А что если на время отладки поставить в разрыв этого резистора на 3.3в переключатель/тумблер. Разомкнуть его, включить комп, подключить девайс по USB, пусть МК включит USB интерфейс и ждёт Bus Reset'a. И тогда вручную перебросить тумблер.
Soft connect
The Soft connect is used when the internal initialization time of the USB device is more
than 120ms. According to the USB specification, “120ms after detection by the host, the
USB device should start responding to the transation on the USB bus.” If the device
initialization time is more than 120ms, the device may fail to response to the host.
A solution to this problem is to switch an external 1.5 kW resistor on one end connected to
D+ signal and the other end connected to +3.3V under software control. Software can
connect or disconnect the device from the bus by setting or resetting the connect bit in the
device status register. In turn, the soft_connect pin will be reset or set accordingly. The
soft_connect pin is an active low signal.