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21 июля
saifullin2 (02.03.2017 08:16, просмотров: 2601)
Пользователям Firefox и многоядерного коня (процессора). https://wiki.mozilla.org/Electrolysis
"Nightly/Aurora If you're on Nightly or Aurora, e10s is already enabled by default! A user-facing checkbox is available for controlling Electrolysis functionality. Open Preferences and check the "Enable multi-process" checkbox and then restart your browser: Nightly > Preferences > General > Enable multi-process Firefox Beta If you're currently using Firefox Beta you might be testing e10s already, check about:support and look for a number higher than 0 in the "Multiprocess Windows" entry. If you would like to opt-in to help us test open about:config and toggle browser.tabs.remote.autostart to true. On your next restart, e10s should be active. Firefox Release If you're using Firefox 48 or later, you might be using e10s already. Check about:support and look for a number higher than 0 in the "Multiprocess Windows" entry. If you would like to opt-in, open about:config and toggle browser.tabs.remote.autostart to true. On your next restart, e10s should be active. Force Enable If you've tried enabling e10s following the instruction above, but your about:support indicates that e10s is disabled (e.g., accessibility, add-ons can trigger this), you can force e10s on for testing purposes. Within about:config create a new boolean pref named browser.tabs.remote.force-enable and set it to true. This is not encouraged, use it at your own risk! "