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Звероящер (02.03.2017 08:19, просмотров: 749) ответил Hobo на А прозрачный UART по TCP на нем можно релизовать? Полистал ихний форум так и не понял, получилось ли толком у кого-то.
Да есть. Стоковая прошивка умеет. С помощью АТ-команд.  AT+CIPMUX=1 - single connection AT+CIPMODE=1 - UART-WiFi passthrough mode
15. AT+CIPMODE – Set transfer mode  

UART-WiFi passthrough mode (transparent transmission) can only be enabled in TCP single 
connection mode or UDP of which remote IP and port won’t change (parameter <UDP mode> is 0 
when using command "AT+CIPSTART" to create a UDP transmission) .

During UART-WiFi passthrough transmission, if it is TCP connection and the TCP connection breaks, 
ESP8266 will keep trying to reconnect until "+++" is input to quit from transmission. After sending the 
"+++" token, please wait for at least 1 second before sending the next AT command.

If it is a normal TCP transmission and TCP connection breaks, ESP8266 will prompt " [<link ID>, ] 
CLOSED" , and will not attempt to reconnect. Users can call "AT+CIPSTART" to create a connection 
again if it is needed.