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m16_home (14.08.2017 11:12, просмотров: 90) ответил maik-vs на В вашем примере, например если сначала строка "cyc_buff: .byte Num_sens*16" а потом ".equ Num_sens = 2", то выскочит варнинг "Use of undefined
читаем Assembler Help EQU - Set a symbol equal to an expression The EQU directive assigns a value to a label. This label can then be used in later expressions. A label assigned to a value by the EQU directive is a constant and can not be changed or redefined. Syntax: .EQU label = expression Example: .EQU io_offset = 0x23 .EQU porta = io_offset + 2 .CSEG ; Start code segment clr r2 ; Clear register 2 out porta,r2 ; Write to Port A