ig_z (26.02.2004 01:55, просмотров: 2344)
Ув Мастер Ломастер! На кодестарте появился еварм410 может можно что нибудь сделать ? The 4.10A release is a significant upgrade :-
Improved optimizations over 3.xx will give up to 10% smaller code in both ARM and Thumb mode.
Workbench window management through docking views, tab groups
Source browser: catalog of functions, variables, macros, classes and member functions.
Generic flash downloader within C-SPY debugger
www.segger.com fast USB J-Link JTAG interface (Flash programming application due in March)
Automatic relay functions for >4 MB Thumb > 32 MB ARM modes
VFP floating-point and Co-processor intrinsics
New compiler keyword, __nested allows nested interrupts.
New auto-display debugger window Displays currently active variables and objects.
Template projects can be C, C++, assembler or library projects
Download arm\EWARM_V410A.ZIP