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4 июля
MBedder, терминатор (10.10.2017 23:23 - 23:39, просмотров: 10716)
Облом при заказе бесплатных образцов разъемов Samtec - они решили лизнуть Трампу поглубже :)) Вот мой online chat с их оператором:
04:03:56 PM [Travis] Hello, my name is Travis, how may I help you? 04:04:07 PM [Vladimir] Hi Travis, 04:05:38 PM [Vladimir] Trying to submit a free sample request I was stumbled upon not finding my country - Russia - in the order form. I immediately called President Putin and asked him if my country still exists in this world. Surprisingly, he said yes. What the heck is going on though? 04:09:20 PM [Travis] Due to the complexities of U.S. sanction laws, Samtec, Inc. has ceased doing business, directly or indirectly, with entities located in Russia, Belarus, or Kazakhstan. Samtec will no longer accept new orders involving parties covered by this policy, and all pending orders will be cancelled. If payment already has been rendered for cancelled orders, Samtec will refund those payments to the extent permissible by law. We regret any inconvenience. We wish you and your company the best.