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Evgeny_CDАрхитектор (19.10.2017 22:08 - 22:10, просмотров: 364) ответил Evgeny_CD на Малопотребляющие MCU Ambiq Micro Apollo1 -> и Apollo2 --> Спасибо blackprapor
Apollo2 вышли и залегли на склад DigiKey. Прочитал документы и цены. Офигел. Думаю, как жить дальше :) Errata вылизали. Понятно, почему чип так долго выходил - чистили errata. Сейчас ничего критического не осталось. Ultra-low supply current <10 μA/MHz executing from flash at 3.3 V <10 μA/MHz executing from RAM at 3.3 V High-performance ARM Cortex-M4 Processor Up to 48 MHz clock frequency Floating point unit Memory protection unit Wake-up interrupt controller with 32 interrupts Ultra-low power memory: Up to 1 MB of flash memory for code/data Up to 256 KB of low leakage RAM for code/data 16kB 1 or 2-way Associative Cache Ultra-low power interface for off-chip sensors: 14 bit, 15-channel, up to 1.2 MS/s ADC Voltage Comparator Temperature sensor with +/-2ºC accuracy Flexible serial peripherals: 6x I2C/SPI master for communication with sensors, radios, and other peripherals - часть SPI 24Mhz, I2C - до 1М бита 1x I2C/SPI slave for host communications 2x UART for communication with peripherals and legacy devices PDM for mono and stereo audio microphone Rich set of clock sources: 32.768 kHz XTAL oscillator Low frequency RC oscillator – 1.024 kHz High frequency RC oscillator – 48 MHz RTC based on Ambiq’s AM08X5/18X5 families Wide operating range: 1.8-3.6 V, –40 to 85°C Step-Down встроен. Compact package options: 2.5 x 2.5 mm 49-pin CSP with 34 GPIO - 0.35 мм, кого-то надо прибить. 4.5 x 4.5 mm 64-pin BGA with 50 GPIO - эти имеют шаг 0.5мм AMAPH1KK-KBR ARM® Cortex®-M4F Apollo2 Microcontroller IC 32-Bit 48MHz 1MB (1M x 8) FLASH 256k SRAM 64-BGA (4.5x4.5) 4,000 - $3.77 1 - $7.47 10 - $6.721 25 - $6.1232 100 - $5.526