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Toчкa oпopы (29.10.2017 11:33 - 11:42, просмотров: 90) ответил йцукен на Где пруфы, Билли?
DS, не? Например, для ADS1210, которые у меня на складе есть: http://www.fulcrum.ru/cgi-bin/Stock/select.pl?ArtName=ADS1210&OffSet=1&OffSetR=1&OffSetA=1&City=Msk&noForm=1#no
The programmable gain amplifier (PGA) of the ADS1210/11 can be set to a gain of 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16—substantially increasing the dynamic range of the converter and simplifying the interface to the more common transducers (see Table I). This gain is implemented by increasing the number of samples taken by the input capacitor from 19.5kHz for a gain of 1 to 312kHz for a gain of 16. Since the Turbo Mode and PGA functions are both implemented by varying the sampling frequency of the input capacitor, the combination of PGA gain and Turbo Mode Rate is limited to 16 (see Table II). For example, when using a Turbo Mode Rate of 8 (156kHz at 10MHz), the maximum PGA gain setting is 2. The output data rate of the ADS1210/11 can be varied from a few hertz to as much as 15,625kHz, trading off lower resolution results for higher data rates. In addition, the data rate determines the first null of the digital filter and sets the –3dB point of the input bandwidth (see the Digital Filter section). Changing the data rate of the ADS1210/11 does not result in a change in the sampling rate of the input capacitor. The data rate effectively sets the number of samples which are used by the digital filter to obtain each conversion result. A lower data rate results in higher resolution, lower input bandwidth, and different notch frequencies than a higher data rate. It does not result in any change in input impedance or modulator frequency, or any appreciable change in power consumption.
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