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Paramedic (13.02.2007 11:53, просмотров: 1) ответил AlexandrY на Так а в каких единицах измеряете то?
В секунду. Уже нащупал баг. Атмел в ерате пишет: 26. PMC, Clock Generator: Bad switching when writing PLL registers with same MUL and DIV values When the fields MUL and DIV in the CKGR_PLLBR register are written with the same values as already programmed, the Master Clock signal switches to Main Clock (output of the Main Oscillator) until a different value is programmed in the register. When the fields MUL and DIV in the CKGR_PLLAR register are written with the same values as already programmed, the Master Clock signal switches to Slow Clock (output of the 32768 Hz Oscillator) until a different value is programmed in the register. Так и есть... Тактирование привёл в порядок - получил такие цифры: -I- PCK = 179712000 -I- MCK = 59904000 -I- WO MMU & I+D Caches Disabled -I- 1751 Dhrystone per second -I- 1633 Dhrystone per second -I- WO MMU & I Cache Enabled -I- 7494 Dhrystone per second -I- 6935 Dhrystone per second -I- MMU & I Cache Enabled -I- 8434 Dhrystone per second -I- 7902 Dhrystone per second -I- MMU & I+D Cache Enabled -I- 56198 Dhrystone per second -I- 49580 Dhrystone per second