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AVR (14.02.2007 15:16, просмотров: 1) ответил blackbit на ..в опциях симулятора соответственно оно же.
А-а, ну так я и думал, что М16. Там оба этих регистра сидят по одному адресу, поэтому не все так просто - вот и накосячили. Вот кусок ДШ Accessing UBRRH/UCSRC Registers The UBRRH Register shares the same I/O location as the UCSRC Register. Therefore some special consideration must be taken when accessing this I/O location. Write Access When doing a write access of this I/O location, the high bit of the value written, the USART Register Select (URSEL) bit, controls which one of the two registers that will be written. If URSEL is zero during a write operation, the UBRRH value will be updated. If URSEL is one, the UCSRC setting will be updated. The following code examples show how to access the two registers. Assembly Code Example(1) ... <asm> ; Set UBRRH to 2 ldi r16,0x02 out UBRRH,r16 ... ; Set the USBS and the UCSZ1 bit to one, and ; the remaining bits to zero. ldi r16,(1<<URSEL)|(1<<USBS)|(1<<UCSZ1) out UCSRC,r16 </asm> Read Access Doing a read access to the UBRRH or the UCSRC Register is a more complex operation. However, in most applications, it is rarely necessary to read any of these registers. The read access is controlled by a timed sequence. Reading the I/O location once returns the UBRRH Register contents. If the register location was read in previous system clock cycle, reading the register in the current clock cycle will return the UCSRC contents. Note that the timed sequence for reading the UCSRC is an atomic operation. Interrupts must therefore be controlled (for example by disabling interrupts globally) during the read operation. The following code example shows how to read the UCSRC Register contents. Assembly Code Example(1) <asm> USART_ReadUCSRC: ; Read UCSRC in r16,UBRRH in r16,UCSRC ret </asm> The assembly code example returns the UCSRC value in r16. Reading the UBRRH contents is not an atomic operation and therefore it can be read as an ordinary register, as long as the previous instruction did not access the register location.