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VVL1 (21.02.2007 23:19, просмотров: 1) ответил FDA на Кто работал с индикатором "EM6125 COG Module"?
Вот код начальной инициализации и работы: C
P4OUT  = GR_RST + CH_RST1 + CH_RST2; // set RST signal for Graphic LCD
  P4DIR  = GR_RST + CH_RST1 + CH_RST2; // Output 1 to RST pin
  P4OUT &= ~(GR_RST + CH_RST1);
  P4OUT |= (GR_RST + CH_RST1+ CH_RST2); // Reset cycle more than 1 uSec

  U0CTL |= (I2C+SYNC+MST);    // set the I2C mode for UART 1, master mode
  U0CTL &= ~I2CEN;         // reset I2C state machine, now configure the I2C master, then set I2CEN bit
  I2CTCTL = I2CSSEL1+I2CRM+I2CTRX; // select SMCLK for input clock for I2C, and reset all pending Transmit states
                          // and number of transmitted bytes are independent of I2CNDAT
                          // and transmit master function
  I2CPSC  = 1; // prescaler value <=4; resulting in value I2CPSC+1==2, => prescaler divider is 2
  I2CSCLH = 8; // total high time = (I2CSCLH+2)*(I2CPSC+1)= 10*2==20 cycles => 1300/20/2=33kHz or kBit
  I2CSCLL = 8; // same for SCL low period? i.e. duty cycle == 1/2
  I2CSA   = 0; // slave addres of the device to be adressed; word
  I2CIFG  = 0; // reset all flags
  U0CTL |= I2CEN; // now Enable the setuped I2C module to work

// Back lighting setup
  TACCR0 = 255; // ~250Hz of PWM freq
  TACCTL2 = OUTMOD0 + OUTMOD1;  // reset on timer=CCR0 and SET on timer=CCR2
  TACCR2  = 128; // half the brightness
  TACTL = TASSEL0 + MC0 + TACLR; // reset register, ACLK clock and start the timer in up mode until CCR0
//  P1SEL |= BIT3; // select port to output

// to start transmition we set bit I2CSTT, to stop we set I2CSTP