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De_User (29.04.2019 23:46 - 30.04.2019 17:24, просмотров: 1490) ответил Ксения на UPDI
Спасибо! Получается, чтобы программировать по UDPI новые ATTINY, достаточно взять адаптер USB-COM (на CH340) и скачать программу по ссылке? https://github.com/Polarisru/updiprog
A brief description of all available options.

-b BAUDRATE - set COM baudrate (default=115200)
-d DEVICE   - target device (tinyXXX)
-c COM_PORT - COM port to use (Win: COMx | *nix: /dev/ttyX)
-e          - erase device
-fw X:0xYY  - write fuses (X - fuse number, 0xYY - hex value)
-fr         - read all fuses
-h          - show this help screen
-mX         - set logging level (0-all/1-warnings/2-errors)
-r FILE.HEX - Hex file to read MCU flash into
-p          - use DTR line to power device
-w FILE.HEX - Hex file to write to MCU flash


Erase Flash memory:
  updiprog.exe -c COM10 -d tiny81x -e

Program Flash memory from file tiny_fw.hex:
  updiprog.exe -c COM10 -d tiny81x -w tiny_fw.hex
Read Flash memory to file tiny_fw.hex:
  updiprog.exe -c COM10 -d tiny81x -r tiny_fw.hex
Read all fuses:
  updiprog.exe -c COM10 -d tiny81x -fr
Write 0x04 to fuse number 1 and 0x1b to fuse number 5:
  updiprog.exe -c COM10 -d tiny81x -fw 1:0x04 5:0x1b
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