m16_home (30.04.2019 20:56 - 21:01, просмотров: 1107) ответил Ксения на Во-первых, дорого. А во-вторых, UPDI там нет (UPDI и TPI - разные интерфейсы).
Ксения, читайте первоисточники и будет вам счастье. По цене - у атымела всегда хреновая политика на стоимость средств программирования и отладки, пора привыкнуть. http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/Atmel-ICE_UserGuide.pdf
Programmers and Debuggers Atmel-ICE USER GUIDE
The Atmel-ICE Debugger
Atmel-ICE is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming
ARM® Cortex®-M based Atmel® SAM and Atmel AVR®
microcontrollers with
On-Chip Debug capability.
It supports:
• Programming and on-chip debugging of all Atmel AVR 32-bit
microcontrollers on both JTAG and aWire interfaces
• Programming and on-chip debugging of all Atmel AVR XMEGA
devices on both JTAG and PDI 2-wire interfaces
• Programming (JTAG, SPI, UPDI) and debugging of all Atmel AVR 8-bit
microcontrollers with OCD support on either JTAG, debugWIRE or
UPDI interfaces
• Programming and debugging of all Atmel SAM ARM Cortex-M based
microcontrollers on both SWD and JTAG interfaces
• Programming (TPI) of all Atmel tinyAVR
8-bit microcontrollers with
support for this interface