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Ксения (27.11.2019 23:46, просмотров: 1279) ответил LightElf на 1) Залить прям из IAR (Projects->Download and Debug)
1-ый вариант меня страшит из-за информации в мануале: IAR Embedded Workbench The J-Link command strings can be supplied using the C-SPY debugger of the IAR Embedded Workbench. Open the Project options dialog box and select Debugger. On the Extra Options page, select Use command line options. Enter --jlink_exec_command "<CommandLineOption>" in the textfield, as shown in the screenshot below. If more than one command should be used separate the commands with semicolon.
Тогда как я эту "CommandLineOption" как раз и не умею заполнять. 2-ый вариант меня вполне устраивает. Подскажите (желательно подробнее), какие шаги здесь следует предпринять. До коннекта я успешно дохожу, но не понимаю, что делать дальше:
Application log started - J-Flash ARM V4.88b (J-Flash compiled Jul 21 2014 16:17:12) - JLinkARM.dll V4.88b (DLL compiled Jul 21 2014 16:16:56) Reading flash device list [C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V488b\ETC\JFlash\Flash.csv] ... - List of flash devices read successfully (2767 Devices) Reading MCU device list [C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V488b\ETC\JFlash\MCU.csv] ... - List of MCU devices read successfully (4204 Devices) Opening project file [C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V488b\ads1256.jflash] ... - Project opened successfully Close project - Project closed Opening project file [C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V488b\ads1256.jflash] ... - Project opened successfully Connecting ... - Connecting via USB to J-Link device 0 - J-Link firmware: V1.20 (J-Link ARM V8 compiled Jul 17 2014 12:31:18) - Target interface speed: 5 kHz (Fixed) - Initializing CPU core (Init sequence) ... - Initialized successfully - Target interface speed: 4000 kHz (Auto) - J-Link found 2 JTAG devices. Core ID: 0x3BA00477 (Cortex-M3) - Connected successfully