Dingo (29.11.2019 11:47, просмотров: 165) ответил Aleksey_75 на УВЫ не AVR! но вроде даже там потребуется перекоммутация
STM32F4 тоже умеет как описано. Slave select (NSS) pin management
Two configurations are possible depending on the NSS output configuration (SSOE bit
in register SPI_CR2).
– NSS output enabled (SSM = 0, SSOE = 1)
This configuration is used only when the device operates in master mode. The
NSS signal is driven low when the master starts the communication and is kept
low until the SPI is disabled.
– NSS output disabled (SSM = 0, SSOE = 0)
This configuration allows multimaster capability for devices operating in master
mode. For devices set as slave, the NSS pin acts as a classical NSS input: the
slave is selected when NSS is low and deselected when NSS high.