Илья (17.01.2020 19:01, просмотров: 659) ответил maleon на Посоветуйте готовый 12В-вый AVR программатор в план закупок
PICKit4 Это оно? Support for using the high-voltage mechanism to activate the AVR® Unified Program and Debug Interface (UPDI). See For AVR device with UPDI using the MPLAB PICkit 4 for more information.
4.3 For AVR device with UPDI using the MPLAB PICkit 4
On low pin count AVR devices with UPDI, the UPDI pin can be configured as GPIO or RESET by configuring the RSTPINCFG configuration bits. To do further programming, the MPLAB PICkit 4 will have to use a high voltage pulse to reactivate the UPDI interface. When using the high voltage pulse, you must make sure that all circuits connected to the UPDI wire can tolerate a pulse of at least 12V.
и т.д.