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17 июля
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Vladimir Ljaschko (13.09.2007 11:04, просмотров: 272) ответил AVR на С CAN никогда не работал, и не планирую - нету в моей тематике такого интерфейса как класса. Тестовый рабочий АСМ-проектик для поиграццо - внутри
Я в самом начале пути, результат ассемблирования пока такой, если есть комментарии, буду счастлив  
Clean: Done.
Executing: "D:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB C30\bin\pic30-gcc.exe" -c "test.s" -o"test.o" -Wa,-p=30F4012,-g
test.s: Assembler messages:
test.s:55: Warning: Implied attributes for section '.xbss' are deprecated
test.s:64: Warning: Implied attributes for section '.ybss' are deprecated
test.s:104: Error: Invalid operands specified ('bclr TRISF,#LCD_res').
test.s:104:        Check operand #2. Operand must be between 0 and 15, inclusive.
test.s:154: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:154: Error: bad expression
test.s:154: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:154: Error: Invalid operands specified ('clr A,[w8]=2,w6').
test.s:154:        Check operand #3.
test.s:169: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:169: Error: bad expression
test.s:169: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:169: Error: Invalid operands specified ('clr A,[w8]=2,w6').
test.s:169:        Check operand #3.
test.s:173: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:173: Error: bad expression
test.s:173: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:173: Error: Invalid operands specified ('mac w5*w6,A,[w8]=2,w6').
test.s:173:        Check operand #4.
test.s:177: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:177: Error: bad expression
test.s:177: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:177: Error: Invalid operands specified ('mpy w5*w6,A,[w8]=2,w6').
test.s:177:        Check operand #4.
test.s:185: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:185: Error: bad expression
test.s:185: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:185: Error: Invalid operands specified ('mac w5*w6,A,[w8]=2,w6').
test.s:185:        Check operand #4.
test.s:243: Warning: Missing , assumed.
test.s:243: Error: Too many operands ('mov #65536*8/10 1,w1').
test.s:448: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.asciiz'
Halting build on first failure as requested.
BUILD FAILED: Thu Sep 13 09:57:38 2007