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Evgeny_CDАрхитектор (08.12.2021 00:29, просмотров: 385) ответил Evgeny_CD на [Gigatron TTL microcomputer]. • 34 TTL ICs, or 930 logic gates, for the CPU proper • No microcontroller and no complex chips (such as the 74181 ALU) • 16-bit virtual CPU runs ported versions of classic games (Snake, Racer, Tetris, Bricks, ...) • 8-bit virtual CPU runs 6502 programs such as Microchess and Micro-Soft BASIC without blinking an eye • Can emulate an Apple-1 including wozmon, Apple-1 BASIC, mini-assembler and some games
У меня сейчас мозг взорвется... • RISC with pipelining: 1 instructions per clock (sometimes 2...) • Instruction decoding with diodes • Nice clean instruction set: add, sub, and, or, xor, conditional jumps, many useful addressing modes