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Вот, например, из упомянутых мной Vishay:
Pulse Stability: If a resistor is exposed to pulses instead of constant loading, it can accept multiples of its rated loading for short periods without impairing its long-term stability. In order to get comparable measurements, there are two standardised pulses according IEC 60115-1, 4.27: 1.2/50 μs and 10/700 μs. The first figure stands for the rise time and the second for the pulse duration (pulse voltage drop to 50 %). The 1.2/50 measurement is taken with 5 pulses at intervals of at least 12 s; the 10/700 measurement with 10 pulses at intervals of at least 60 s. The pulse load capabilities for these conditions are established based on suitable criteria, i.e. an appropriate permissible resistance change after pulse load. We prefer to set such criteria in relation the product’s long term stability, e.g. ± 0.5 %. For a resistor to possess sufficient pulse suitability for a specific application, the following criteria must be met:
• The average load must not be greater than the rated loading at the required ambient temperature;
• The permissible pulse loading as a function of the pulse duration must not be exceeded;
• The pulse voltage at the resistor must be lower than the permissible pulse peak voltage.
Для "простых" резисторов:

Для "импульсно-устойчивых" - раза в три выше:
