Snaky (05.02.2010 08:44 - 09:14, просмотров: 72) ответил Snaky на Скачал на днях с сайта TI исходники для работы с RFID-ридером под MSP. Автор ShreHarsha Rao. Натуральный г-код. Уж от техаса не ожидал.
вторая часть марлезонского балета: /*
* char phello[20];
* //for testing
Hello, Harsha!
buf[RXTXstate] = FIFO; /* write the recieved bytes to the correct place of the*/
..of the what?? and "received", not "recieved", btw.
if(*Register == 0xA0)
goto FINISH;
} while((irqPORT & irqPIN) == irqPIN);
Have you ever heard about the break command?
Yeah, looks nice at least...
*Register = (*Register >> 1) & 0x07; /* mask the first 5 bits */
Hmm.. Try again: first 3 or last 5? :>
void put_space(void)
kputchar(' ');
} /* put_space */
You can do better than that! Specify dedicated functions for each ASCII-character!
if(irqPORT & irqPIN)
*Register = IRQStatus; /* IRQ status register address */
*(Register + 1) = IRQMask;
Register[0] = IRQStatus;
Register[1] = IRQMask;
No comments...
Summing up: Indian cannabis - rocks, TI coders don't. :>
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