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Ксения (27.06.2012 18:44, просмотров: 195) ответил LeonidPr на Я их уже взял:-) Да, ST апноуты выложили, там мелькают VID/PID. Пока буду ими пользоваться, но дальше встанет вопрос поставок разработанного девайса, а вот тут уже так просто грабить нельзя:-( Позвонил я в представительство ST, сказали официальное
Проверьте, принадлежит ли данный диапазон VID/PID самой компании STMicroelectronics. Если да, то можете использовать эти VID/PID смело - компания в вами судиться точно не будет. Но обычно такое разрешается. Вот, например, официальный ответ компании Atmel на подобный вопрос: Question: Can I use the VID and PID provided by Atmel ? Answer: Customer may keep the Atmel Vendor Identifier (Atmel VID) and Product Identifier (PID) in their product that integrates an Atmel USB Flash Microcontroller (“Integrated Product”) from one Atmel original example subject to the following acknowledgments and/or conditions: - Customer must execute Atmel’s Limited License Agreement (Atmel USB Flash Microcontroller Software Suite) and comply with all terms and conditions. - Customer cannot apply to USB compliance testing with the USB-IF, therefore Customer cannot use the USB logo for an Integrated Product using the Atmel VID. - All software is provided AS IS and Customer is responsible to insure the USB compliance of the Integrated Product. - Customer must integrate the Atmel USB Flash Microcontroller Software and the USB descriptors with no changes apart from: 1-The manufacturer string, which must include the Customer’s URL address and finish with “powered by Atmel®”: e.g. “www.customer.com powered by Atmel®”. 2-The maximum power fields, which must be compatible with the actual power consumption of the Integrated Product for each possible USB configuration. 3-When applicable the Endpoint polling Interval fields can be adapted to the application. -Customer must insure compatibility with all the features of the Atmel original example if a custom host driver is distributed with the Integrated Product.