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11 июля
Vladimir Ljaschko (10.03.2013 17:04, просмотров: 1882)
Кто хорошо знает Win 7: может ли система или таинственное приложение ограничивать доступ приложения к dll?  Бэкграунд: dll предоставлена мной, вместе с приложением, которое тестирует подключенную в Tablet PC железяку. Все работает. Программист заказчика написал свое приложение, работающее на рабочем компьютере, но не работающее после переноса на Tablet PC потому что не может найти dll. On my development computer, some virtual machines and the computer of a workmate the HTI 16V works fine now. So I decided to quit developing the communication and copying the compiled files to the tablet for testing communication from there. Unfortunately this test failed because of “DllNotFound”-exception. The system says, there was a invalid access to memory location. The DOMP.dll exists and a antivirus software is not installed, so I wondered, why it works on usual computers and fails on the BioLane tablet. The computers and virtual machines all had Windows 7. I tried it on 64-bit (workmates computer and my computer) and on 32-bit (VM) I tried different things like compiling especially for 32-bit, copying the file manually to output folder, creating a new DompUnit-project with default settings or checking the configuration files, but I wasn’t able to find the problem. I think, it could be a problem with the user rights on the tablet. Could this be possible? Do you have any idea, how I could fix this problem?