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Хаос (13.10.2018 08:10, просмотров: 1) ответил MBedder на А вот кошерно прошивать GroundPlanes на двухслойке посредством Vias как плотно надо - как на моих картинках, или где? Плата аналого-цифровая, на ней проц 150 MIPS, EthPhy 10/100, АЦП 18 бит, 4хDCDC, трассы питания внешних датчиков по 30В/1А и т.д.
Spur Issues Caused by DC-to-DC Power Supply Radiation: 
It was then suspected that the interference source was located around the EVAL-AD4003FMCZ signal chain. To prove this, a copper foil shield was placed at various locations on the EVAL-AD4003FMCZ board and the controller SDP-H1 board. It was determined that when the copper foil shield was placed over the dc-to-dc power supplies on the SDP-H1 board, as shown in Figure 3, the spurs would disappear. The spur frequency of 277.5 kHz matches the programmed switching frequency of the ADP2323 regulator. Figure 4 shows the 3.3 V VADJ_FMC switching frequency power as captured by the EVAL-AD7616SDZ GUI FFT.
То есть, для 18-битного АЦП важны не те 150 МГц, что крутятся внутри МК, а важны те 277.5 кГц, что идут от DC-DC регулятора. Вот их и нужно экранировать. www.analog.com/en/analog-dialogue/articles/analyzing-and-solving-fixed-frequency-spur-issues-in-high-precision-adc-signal-chains.html