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1 апреля
Evgeny_CDАрхитектор (04.05.2017 22:59 - 23:09, просмотров: 58480)
[Rust -> и микроконтроллеры] --> Лед тронулся, господа присяжные заседатели!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/4d4bet/rust_for_microcontrollers/
Rust OS comparison https://github.com …rison#embedded-systems https://www.tockos.org Tock is a safe, multitasking operating system for low-power, low-memory microcontrollers. Tock is written in Rust, a type-safe systems language with no runtime or garbage collector. It uses the Rust type system to enforce safety of components, called capsules, in a single-threaded event-driven kernel. In addition, Tock uses remaining memory to support processes written in any language. This allows Tock to provide high-granularity isolation for kernel components like drivers and virtualization layers on memory constrained microntrollers with as little as 16KB of RAM. https://github.com/rasendubi/bkernel bkernel is an experimental kernel for embedded devices written in Rust. I'm mostly trying out Rust now to see how it applies to kernel development. https://zinc.rs About zinc.rs Zinc is an experimental attempt to write an ARM stack that would be similar to CMSIS or mbed in capabilities but would show rust’s best safety features applied to embedded development. Zinc is mostly assembly-free and completely C-free at the moment. One of the goals of zinc is to figure out, how much of the usual RTOS stack is it possible to write in rust in a safe manner, while keeping the resource usage profile low enough (comparable to C/C++ code).