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14 марта
Evgeny_CDАрхитектор (25.11.2011 17:17 - 17:30, просмотров: 7386)
ОС, написанные на странных с точки зрения классического подхода языках - C#, Java, Python. Респект antm за наводку -> http://caxapa.ru/286216.html
Python OS Project - операционная система на языке Python http://www.opennet …ws/art.shtml?num=32388 Pycorn OS. Pycorn is an interpreted operating system written in Python, intended to recreate the easy learning curve of 16-bit BASIC-based microcomputers. Device drivers, file systems, network protocols can all be implemented in Python with no C or assembler code. https://launchpad.net/pycorn Cleese. Cleese is a project to build a functioning operating system written almost entirely in Python. The basic idea is to have a microkernel mostly based on the Python VM and all other operating system functionality written in Python. http://jtauber.com/cleese/ http://code.google.com/p/cleese/ SharpOS - open source .NET-C# based operating system. Проект несклько "уснул" http://en.wikipedi …rpOS_(operating_system) Cosmos is an open source operating system written in C#. It also encompasses a compiler (IL2CPU) for converting Common Intermediate Language (.NET) bytecode into native instructions. http://en.wikipedi …smos_(operating_system) Операционная система «Фантом». Phantom lays on a principle "Anything is an object", differently from the Unix-like approach "Anything is a file". Настоятельно рекомендую почитать русский FAQ. Очень все доходчиво пояснено. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_OS http://dz.ru/solutions/phantom/ Perlix, The Perl Operating System http://www.foo.be/ …l5_2/tpj0502-0009.html Анализ потом напишу. Пока просто отмечаю тенденцию и внутреннюю идеологическую правильность такого подхода.