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Сборник граблей STM32, по наводке с Хабарки.2025-02-23
Замыслил изобразить DAPLink из blue рill. Полез в пакетик с таблЭткеми и обнаружил вот такую платку, приобретенную в смутное вре...2024-06-25
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Перевод документации на ИАР на русский, спасибо Петру2023-05-25
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git репозиторий тулсов и либ ST2020-06-18
Про библиотеку STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.2.0. Выступаю в своем амплуа:2017-02-08
Все по разу по этим граблям прохаживались. А вот индусские программисты, писавшие USB-библиотеку STM32F0x2_USB-FS-Device_Lib V1....2015-10-13
В продолжении темы по ссылке. Я продолжаю ох#$вать теперь уже от USB-библиотеки STM32F0x2_USB-FS-Device_Lib V1.0.0. Скажите, ест...2015-02-13
ST - засранцы. Сел поизучать STM32F1xx. Смотрю, значит, ага: USB, Ethernet... Ну, думаю, отлично. Полез читать про слоки, а там ...2015-01-19
STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0 - я в ахуе!!!!2014-12-30
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измерил на STM32F103 утечки GPIO, токи КЗ2012-02-04
Вопрос по точности АЦП у STM32.2011-04-15
RxTx (07.08.2022 19:48, просмотров: 4021)
Приветствую, коллеги. Планирую поизучать H7 на отладке NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q. Что скажете насчет этой платы? 


All features

• Common features

o STM32 microcontroller in LQFP144 package

o 3 user LEDs

o 2 user and reset push-buttons

o 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator

o Board connectors:SWDST Zio expansion connector including ARDUINO® Uno V3ST morpho expansion connector

o Flexible power-supply options: ST-LINK, USB VBUS, or external sources

o On-board ST-LINK debugger/programmer with USB re-enumeration capability: mass storage, Virtual COM port, and debug port

o Comprehensive free software libraries and examples available with the STM32Cube MCU Package

o Support of a wide choice of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) including IAR Embedded Workbench®, MDK-ARM, and STM32CubeIDE

• Board-specific features

o External or internal SMPS to generate Vcore logic supply

o Ethernet compliant with IEEE-802.3-2002

o USB OTG full speed or device only

o Board connectors:USB with Micro-AB or USB Type-C®Ethernet RJ45

o Arm® Mbed Enabled™ compliant



• Dual core

- 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M7 core with double-precision FPU and L1 cache: 16 Kbytes of data and 16 Kbytes of instruction cache; frequency up to 480 MHz, MPU, 1027 DMIPS/ 2.14 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1), and DSP instructions

- 32-bit Arm® 32-bit Cortex®-M4 core with FPU, Adaptive real-time accelerator (ART Accelerator) for internal Flash memory and external memories, frequency up to 240 MHz, MPU, 300 DMIPS/1.25 DMIPS /MHz (Dhrystone 2.1), and DSP instructions

• Memories

- Up to 2 Mbytes of Flash memory with read-while-write support

- 1 Mbyte of RAM: 192 Kbytes of TCM RAM (inc. 64 Kbytes of ITCM RAM + 128 Kbytes of DTCM RAM for time critical routines), 864 Kbytes of user SRAM, and 4 Kbytes of SRAM in Backup domain

- Dual mode Quad-SPI memory interface running up to 133 MHz

- Flexible external memory controller with up to 32-bit data bus: SRAM, PSRAM, SDRAM/LPSDR SDRAM, NOR/NAND Flash memory clocked up to 125 MHz in Synchronous mode

- CRC calculation unit

• Security

- ROP, PC-ROP, active tamper

• General-purpose input/outputs

- Up to 168 I/O ports with interrupt capability

• Reset and power management

- 3 separate power domains which can be independently clock-gated or switched off:

o D1: high-performance capabilities

o D2: communication peripherals and timers

o D3: reset/clock control/power management

- 1.62 to 3.6 V application supply and I/Os


- Dedicated USB power embedding a 3.3 V internal regulator to supply the internal PHYs

- Embedded regulator (LDO) to supply the digital circuitry

- High power-efficiency SMPS step-down converter regulator to directly supply VCORE and/or external circuitry

- Voltage scaling in Run and Stop mode (6 configurable ranges)

- Backup regulator (~0.9 V)

- Voltage reference for analog peripheral/VREF+

- 1.2 to 3.6 V VBAT supply

- Low-power modes: Sleep, Stop, Standby and VBAT supporting battery charging

• Low-power consumption

- VBAT battery operating mode with charging capability

- CPU and domain power state monitoring pins

- 2.95 µA in Standby mode (Backup SRAM OFF, RTC/LSE ON)

• Clock management

- Internal oscillators: 64 MHz HSI, 48 MHz HSI48, 4 MHz CSI, 32 kHz LSI

- External oscillators: 4-48 MHz HSE, 32.768 kHz LSE

- 3× PLLs (1 for the system clock, 2 for kernel clocks) with Fractional mode

• Interconnect matrix

• 4 DMA controllers to unload the CPU

- 1× high-speed master direct memory access controller (MDMA) with linked list support

- 2× dual-port DMAs with FIFO

- 1× basic DMA with request router capabilities

• Up to 35 communication peripherals

- 4× I2Cs FM+ interfaces (SMBus/PMBus)

- 4× USARTs/4x UARTs (ISO7816 interface, LIN, IrDA, up to 12.5 Mbit/s) and 1x LPUART

- 6× SPIs, 3 with muxed duplex I2S audio class accuracy via internal audio PLL or external clock, 1x I2S in LP domain (up to 150 MHz)

- 4x SAIs (serial audio interface)

- SPDIFRX interface

- SWPMI single-wire protocol master I/F

- MDIO Slave interface

- 2× SD/SDIO/MMC interfaces (up to 125 MHz)

- 2× CAN controllers: 2 with CAN FD, 1 with time-triggered CAN (TT-CAN)

- 2× USB OTG interfaces (1FS, 1HS/FS) crystal-less solution with LPM and BCD

- Ethernet MAC interface with DMA controller


- 8- to 14-bit camera interface (up to 80 MHz)

• 11 analog peripherals

- 3× ADCs with 16-bit max. resolution (up to 36 channels, up to 3.6 MSPS)

- 1× temperature sensor

- 2× 12-bit D/A converters (1 MHz)

- 2× ultra-low-power comparators

- 2× operational amplifiers (7.3 MHz bandwidth)

- 1× digital filters for sigma delta modulator (DFSDM) with 8 channels/4 filters

• Graphics

- LCD-TFT controller up to XGA resolution

- Chrom-ART graphical hardware Accelerator (DMA2D) to reduce CPU load

- Hardware JPEG Codec

• Up to 22 timers and watchdogs

- 1× high-resolution timer (2.1 ns max resolution)

- 2× 32-bit timers with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter and quadrature (incremental) encoder input (up to 240 MHz)

- 2× 16-bit advanced motor control timers (up to 240 MHz)

- 10× 16-bit general-purpose timers (up to 240 MHz)

- 5× 16-bit low-power timers (up to 240 MHz)

- 4× watchdogs (independent and window)

- 2× SysTick timers

- RTC with sub-second accuracy and hardware calendar

• Debug mode

- SWD & JTAG interfaces

- 4-Kbyte Embedded Trace Buffer

• True random number generators (3 oscillators each)

• 96-bit unique ID

• Optional support of extended temperature range up to 125 °C (specific part numbers)

Спасибо, князь. Вы настоящий дворянин. И программист.